Thanksgiving in a Pandemic

Thanksgiving celebrations this year may be challenging in the midst of a pandemic and widespread injustice and division in our country. We may find it more difficult this year to feel grateful, or we may feel more gratitude than ever for the gift of life. For everyone’s safety, our family thanksgiving celebrations and thanksgiving worship services may be online. Here are my gifts of music, visual art, and prayer for you to use in any way you find helpful.

Thanksgiving Hymn Video

This hymn video calls us to celebrate and conserve the world of beauty created by Ruah.  As you watch and listen, imagine what our world would be like if we praised “Her” as well as “Him.”

Praise Ruah, Spirit who gives birth to worlds unknown and life on earth;        
O praise Her!  Hallelujah!
Stars dancing mystery through the night show forth her joy and endless light.
Praise Ruah! Hallelujah!
Praise the great Creative Spirit!
Come and praise Her!

Day dawns at sound of Ruah’s voice; wake all creation to rejoice;
O praise Her! Hallelujah!
Sun gleams like diamonds on the dew; birds join to sing the hymn anew.
Praise Ruah! Hallelujah!
Praise the great Creative Spirit!
Come and praise Her!

Tall trees in red and golden dress and ripened fruits their Maker bless;
O praise Her! Hallelujah!
Come now and gather harvest home; all beings feel a deep shalom.
Praise Ruah! Hallelujah!
Praise the great Creative Spirit!
Come and praise Her!

Cold winds and drifts of icy snow part us from all that we would know;
O praise Her! Hallelujah!
Each soul awaits in slumber deep Her warming love to wake from sleep.
Praise Ruah! Hallelujah!
Praise the great Creative Spirit!
Come and praise Her!

Fresh tulips lift their crimson cups; hope newborn in the heart leaps up;        
O praise Her! Hallelujah!
Wildflowers rising into view clothe fertile fields in rainbow hue.
Praise Ruah! Hallelujah!
Praise the great Creative Spirit!
Come and praise Her!

Words © Jann Aldredge-Clanton & Karen Ivy; Music arrangement © Larry E. Schultz

Ruah, the Hebrew word for “Spirit,” comes at the beginning of the Genesis account of creation. “The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit (Ruah) was moving over the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). The Hebrew word for “Spirit” (Ruah) is feminine in form. Ruah moved over the waters to bring forth all life. The word Ruah also means “breath.” Ruah is the Breath of Life. Ruah breathes Her life into all, giving birth to the universe.

In the hymn video Rev. Larry E. Schultz conducts the Chancel Choir of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina, in singing “Praise Ruah, Spirit Who Gives Birth,” with pictures from various artists, to a familiar hymn tune.

This central picture at the beginning and throughout the video is Lucy A. Synk’s “Ruach” painting. I’m grateful to Lucy for giving me permission to use this video. © Lucy A. Synk.

This photograph in the video is of Rev. Sheila Sholes-Ross, co-chair of the national, ecumenical, multicultural Equity for Women in the Church Community. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve with Sheila as co-chair of this ecumenical movement to facilitate equal representation of clergywomen as pastors of multicultural churches in order to transform church and society.

Prayer of Gratitude and Challenge

Ruah, Spirit of all creation, we come with thanksgiving for your freely flowing gifts that nourish and sustain us and bring beauty to our lives. For the continual renewal of our lives through your gifts of creativity and joy, we are indeed grateful.

We also come to remember all the children and their parents who have been cruelly separated at our borders, and who cry out in grief and suffering. We remember all those suffering from COVID-19, and all those grieving the loss of those who have died from COVID-19. We come remembering all those who suffer and die from police violence and intimate partner violence, and all those who grieve for them. We pray for all those who suffer from oppression, abuse, exploitation, violence, poverty, and hunger. Challenge us to join you in dismantling racism, white supremacy, patriarchy, misogyny, and sexism at the root of so much of this suffering, and to give freely of our resources.

For gifts to give we are grateful, knowing that as we give we also receive. Dancing in your circle of giving and receiving, we become united with you and with all creation.

Ruah Spirit, may we freely give from all that we have received, drawing from your power within us for our work of creative compassion, justice-making, and peace-making. May we experience your presence in fresh ways as we come together in creative new ways. May our partnership with you and with one another empower us to be your agents of change in our community, in our country, and in our world. 

Video Credits:

Words © Jann Aldredge-Clanton & Karen Ivy; Music arrangement © Larry E. Schultz

Recording © Jann Aldredge-Clanton & Larry E. Schultz; from Inclusive Hymns for Liberating Christians CD (Eakin Press, 2007)

Music: Chancel Choir of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina. Conductor Rev. Larry E. Schultz

Visual Artists:

Lucy A. Synk: “Ruach” painting © Lucy A. Synk. Used with permission.

Stacy Boorn: “Urban Taxi” photo © Stacy Boorn. Used with permission.

Alice Heimsoth: photo of Rev. Stacy Boorn and some members of Ebenezer/herchurch Lutheran, San Francisco. © Alice Heimsoth. Used with permission.

David Clanton: photos of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church Choir, Orchestra, & Congregation, and tulip blooming in the snow. © David M. Clanton. Used with permission. 

Recording by: Ward Productions, Pinehurst, North Carolina

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