“Strong in Adversity” Song Video

Living in the real world, we all experience adversity. Often we feel overwhelmed by adversity. But we gain strength by remembering that the Holy Spirit lives in us, that we are joined with Her in divinity. Also, Ruah (Hebrew word meaning “Spirit,” “Breath,” and “Wind”) breathes Her strength into us through our faith communities. I […]

“Come Now, All-Inclusive Spirit,” offered by Min. DeShay W. Freemyer- Jackson

DeShay W. Freemyer-Jackson, Minister of Music for The Gathering, A Womanist Church,  sings “Come Now, All-Inclusive Spirit.” Thank you, DeShay, for your beautiful singing of this song! Come Now, All-Inclusive Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Galatians 5:22 ) Come now, all-inclusive Spirit; dwell within our minds and souls; fill us all with deep compassion so that […]

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