“Praise Our Mother” Song Video

What if everyone praised our Mother, instead of just our Father? How would our world be different?

We are all in the divine image. (Genesis 1:26-27). People of all genders and races are in the divine image. By naming the Divine “Mother” as well as “Father,” “She,” as well as “He” and more, we can live this biblical truth and contribute to justice and harmony in our world.

Let us praise our Mother!

Praise our Mother; blessed is She;
praise Her oceans, mountains, and trees.

Praise our Mother, Maker of all:
winter, springtime, summer, and fall.

Heaven and Earth sing, “Blessed is She.”
All praise Her in full harmony.

Words © Jann Aldredge-Clanton                 Music © Katie Ketchum

It is biblical to call God “Mother.”

Deuteronomy 32:11-12 depicts the Divine as a Mother Eagle who stirs up Her nest to get the eaglets out on their own.  This is a beautiful picture of a loving Mother, caring and nurturing us when we are weak, yet always aiming at the goal of our maturity. 

Deuteronomy 32:18 pictures Deity as a strong Rock who gave us birth.

Isaiah 49:15 depicts the Divine as a nursing Mother who is unable to forget the offspring whom She has tenderly cared for.

Isaiah 66:13 pictures the Divine as a Mother tenderly comforting Her children.

Hosea 11:3-4 depicts the Divine as a kind and loving Mother who teaches, nurtures, and heals us.

Hosea 13:8 images God as a Mother Bear, robbed of Her cubs.

Matthew 23:37 pictures Jesus as a Mother Hen who wants to gather Her brood under Her wings. 

Here is a hymn imaging the Divine as the Mother Rock in Deuteronomy 32:18:

O Mother Rock who bore us, unmindful we have been
of all your goodness to us, your mercy without end.
We’ve praised our Father fully, but scorned your image fair,
rejecting all your Wisdom that shines forth everywhere.

Our world cries out in anguish from our neglect of you,
O Mother Rock who bore us, come now our souls renew.
Forgive our long forgetting of your strong, loving care;
O may we now discover your gifts for all to share.

Teach us to be more mindful, O Rock who gave us birth,
reflecting on your beauty that permeates the earth.
Restore our childlike wonder, as we upon you gaze,
and may we give you gladly, our songs of endless praise.

Words © Jann Aldredge-Clanton              PASSION CHORALE     

May we now bring our songs of praise to our Mother.

Video Credits

Performed by: Katie Ketchum

Music: Katie Ketchum

Lyrics: Jann Aldredge-Clanton

From: Hersay: Songs for Healing and Empowerment

Recorded at: Joe Hoffmann Studios, Occidental, CA

Visual Art:

Katie Ketchum: Hersay book cover and “Dreamportal” paintings

Jennifer Mantle: “Our Lady of Guadalupe” painting

Stacy Boorn: “Christ-Sophia” painting

Elaine Chan-Scherer: Sunset labyrinth and ocean/mountains photos

Linda Palmstrom: “Mary Magdalene” painting

David Clanton: springtime, summer, and children’s choir photos

Susan Solstice: “She Is Calling” painting

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