Story of Oprah Painting in “O Holy Darkness, Loving Womb” Video

Shannon Kincaid painted this picture of Oprah Winfrey holding a child, featured in the YouTube video “O Holy Darkness, Loving Womb,” to get attention on a national scale for the cause of women with ovarian cancer. For many years Shannon has been a generous, tireless advocate for this cause.
Shannon generously gave her artistic talent for the covers of two books of stories by ovarian cancer survivors: TORCH: Tales of Remarkable Courage and Hope (2007) and TORCH: Still Burning Brightly (2009). The cover picture depicts a heroic woman holding a torch high, lighting the way for others to follow. The painting, from which the cover-art was taken, hangs on the gynecological oncology unit at Baylor University Medical Center. (See painting and more of Shannon’s story and work:;
To get Oprah’s attention to do a show featuring ovarian cancer survivors, Shannon painted the large picture of Oprah cradling a child and sent it to her with all the TORCH materials inside the crate. After a long and winding road, Oprah met with Shannon, accepted the painting, and promised to let her know if she ever discussed ovarian cancer at some point on her show.

In February after this meeting in October, Oprah chose an ovarian cancer fund as one of her favorite ten charities. Soon after, The Oprah Winfrey Show went off the air, but Oprah influenced Dr. Oz to highlight the cause of ovarian cancer on two of his shows.
Shannon’s painting of Oprah now hangs above the fireplace in the library of The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Shannon’s “Oprah and Child” painting creates a powerful finale for “O Holy Darkness, Loving Womb”; Shannon Kincaid is also the vocal artist here:
The lyrics and information about other visual artists and the instrumentalists are here: